The Foundation’s mission is to provide residents of each of the centres with activities and a pleasant living environment that public funds and the good will of public officials, despite their great efforts, simply cannot ensure.

On behalf of the Foundation, we thank you for your donation online.

100% of donations go to the Foundation
Thanks to the Zeffy platform, we don’t pay any fees. If you wish, you can tip Zeffy to help them maintain this free service, but this remains entirely optional. You can choose “Other” and put 0 if you prefer not to contribute.

It’s possible to make a donation by simply completing the form.

Click on the button « Form »

Print the document.

Make your check payable to the Champlain and Manoir-de-Verdun Foundation.

Mail it to: The Champlain and Manoir-de-Verdun Foundation
1325, Crawford St,
Verdun (Qc)
H4H 2N6

Thank you for helping us!